Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Boy's Room.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Baby Elise likes to Smile!

Baby Elise Haning with her Doh-Dohs

No need to describe... Elise is very loved by her Doh-Dohs.

Tickle, tickle...
Chilling with the boys...

Elise at 5 months...

Baby Elise and Daddy 1-on-1 time at the Studio... Started out going okay and then it was a repeat of Month 4 at the Studio... See post below of Elise at 4 months. Maybe Month 6?

Elise at 4 months...

Daddy and Baby Elise went to the Studio for some one-on-one time and to get take some photos... We were only able to take 5 photos before my Baby Girl's face turned from her normal smiley one to a little prune and wanted to be held. I guess that she did not want to be flashed with the studio lights anymore...

We were able to get this photo though....

Hanging with Caleb's buddy, Brooklyn

Pool party 4th bday celebration for Caleb's classmate, Brooklyn... Kids in the pool, kids in the yard, kids in the house, kids jumping up, kids jumping down, kids all around = fun for kids!

Elysa's 2nd Bday...

Everyone had a great time at Elysa's 2nd bday party! There were lots of food, deserts and of course, kids running around. Pinata time was fun and the kiddies enjoyed celebrating with Elysa.

Farmer Joe's...

After eating some authentic American Burgers and Fried food, we hung out at Farmer Joe's yard and played under the trees on the grass. Rare to see grass in PHX first of all, but also so much land to just have a pseudo-picnic in PHX. The kiddies had a blast and Baby Elise got to look around to absorb everything...