Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lying Around at the Dentist's Office

This morning, Caleb visited the dentist for the first time. He watched through the waiting room clear glass door at other young children (older than him) getting their cleanings done. He was at first reluctant to sit in the chair when it was his turn after having the chance to choose a toothbrush for himself, but he did! Then, he went through a whole cleaning and exam without a bit of fuss. He got a pair of glasses to wear during the procedures to help with the light that is above the eyes, which looked rather cool on him. Admittedly, he did have some gunk on his teeth, but all of it got cleaned off and we are off to a great start again. They brushed with bubble gum flavored flouride on his teeth, flossed, polished, cleaned with the sharp things that adults get during their dentists' visits. He even got a sticker, a toothbrush, a yoyo, and a choo choo whistle out of it all. It really made me proud!!! It will make you proud, too. :) Just take a look!

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